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The Truckie Who Loved Trains
The Biography of Ken Thomas, Founder of Thomas Nationwide Transport
David Wilcox
David Wilcox

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This is the story of Ken Thomas, educated with two university degrees but nothing about trucks, who was mislead into buying a truck by a sham relative at the end of the Second World War.
After this shaky start came problems with government regulations and road taxes. All the state governments wanted to protect their rail networks, so road and rail industries hated each other.
Ken's father was a steam engine driver and Ken could see that the entrepreneurial energy of the private transport companies, and the government railway networks should be partners, not enemies.
With practical, business like common sense, Ken led the way to achieve this, in Australia and overseas. Ken described this as a red-blooded, gutsy, period, culminating in an ambush in the TNT boardroom.
'In the transport game, there is no standing still.' - Ken Thomas


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